Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is our signature cocktail with a refreshing taste of Biblical proportions.
The Holy Spirit is a cocktail made with absinthe, lime, sugar syrup and chilled water. Absinthe is a green drink that is made from alcohol and the herb sagebrush. It has an anise-like taste and contains up to 70% alcohol. The herb sagebrush contains thujone and absinthine. In very large quantities, thujone has a slight hallucinatory effect. In 1909, absinthe was banned in the Netherlands because it allegedly made people insane. Vincent van Gogh’s insanity was said to have been caused by absinthe. These days, absinthe no longer contains thujone.
Method: shake all ingredients, Fine strain into prechilled cocktail glass.
Garnishing: half lime zest twist.
Glass: cocktail glass.
20 ml absinthe
20 ml lime juice
60 ml chilled water
15 ml sugar syrup
1 dash of Angostura aromatic bitter
Enter the magical world of cocktail shaking and learn all its secrets.
(Re)live the Roaring Twenties. A cocktail theme party. The 1920’s are better known as the Roaring Twenties.
Flappers, gangsters and bootleggers came together in secret behind the closed doors of the speakeasies. The atmosphere was sensual and electric. Underground clubs pulsated with ragtime and the music of Cab Calloway, Al Jolson and Louis Armstrong. Women wearing headgear with feathers, pearls and Mary Janes kicked up the hems of their glittery dresses while they danced. Men with pinstripe suits and pencil moustaches drank cocktails and smoked fine cigars, despite prohibition.
We can organize your complete party, including the bar, bartenders, DJ’s and even a band, with the appropriate clothing advice.